Saturday May 29th 6:30PM-8:30PM

The Masquerade Rules

1. This is a family friendly convention - meaning anything that wouldn't be allowed in public normally will not be allowed in public here. If you are planning to stage a fight during your skit, make sure it has been presented and okay-ed by the Masquerade staff before hand.

2. All costumes must be public presentable. Anything you wouldn't show in public normally, we don't want to see. Think of it like this...would any of that be shown in a PG Rated movie? If you find yourself looking at your costume and answering "No" we will mostly likely not allow you on stage wearing it.

3. Your costume must be of an existing character that you can provide reference for. (Or reference can be found of.) If you want to cosplay one of your Original Characters - that's nice, but the costume will not be allowed to be entered in the Masquerade.

4. Do not use offense language, gestures, music, or themes in your skit. As said eariler, this is a family friendly convention. You should not be making a political or religious statement of any kind with your skit. Your skit's purpose should not be to make fun of something or someone.

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